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A Shooting In Dallas

Innocent until proven guilty. You take your victims as you find them. Both common cliches used to amplify or deflate legal jeaprody.      In the state of California, I am not allowed to use deadly…

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Psychotic Paranoid Schizophrenia

Psychotic Paranoid Schizophrenia A person who has a condition on the schizophrenia spectrum may experience delusions and what is commonly known as paranoia. These delusions may give rise to fears that others are plotting against…

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The Sky Is Falling

     We have arrived at the point where we can no longer accept the word of any one.  We distrust our enemies and political opposition. Now at least some of our allies have been…

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If not collusion, perhaps coruption

Why does he always think that everything is about him? Based on the recent rash of indictments against Russian entities, it appears that the Mueller investigation is focused squarely on criminal activity, as it relates…

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There are reports of intrigue, drama and politics on the campus of LaTijera K-8 Academy of Excellence. Since the installation of new Principal Rose there are complaints about the cohesiveness of the team. One parent…

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The FIB Network

1man1vote can’t help but wonder if Russell Simmons will ever revive his DEF Comedy Jam show, now that he has relieved himself of duty from his company amid sexual harassment accusations. Because Limbaugh’s new comedy…

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Thin Skull Rule

The eggshell skull rule (or thin skull rule or you take your victim as you find him rule of the common law) is a well-established legal doctrine used in some tort law systems, with a…

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Poor Sean

December 5th 2017. Day two of the Hannity Show and still no mention of “The Tweet”, in which the POTUS admitted that as the nation’s top law enforcement officer, he was aware of Michael Flynn’s…