The New Social Media Police

It may be too radical, so I don’t want to associate the word “evangelist” with chatGPT, so I will stop short and invoke the word “puritan”.

     Artificial intelligence is minding the shop and functioning as our new defacto mortality police. There is no union protecting our rights. Use of certain words and or images may cause your entire post to be blocked, simply because A.I. misunderstands the context that you intended, and since A.I. lacks the abilty to reason, and is programmed to make snap, unjustified steps to protect, what “it” has been programmed to view as “community standards.”

     A.I. controlled social media enforcement invites users to dig deeper into various subjects inside newly designed group chats, and then scolds us or denies aspects of the post. Sometimes the ban is based on word selection or context. Often an entire post can be blocked if artificial intelligence’s vast data base determines that an image that accompanied your post has been overused by others or is otherwise not an original image. Sometimes the image is rightfully identified as licensed material, stolen from A.I’s own photo gallery of search responses.

     I personally have had content blocked 🚫 because I suggested the extermination of a rodent, using the harsh term K*LL

     I have a social media group, that invites and allows members to RANT and in some cases RAVE about any damned thing that p*sses us off. Recently one of the regulars – let’s call him Scot was blocked because he posted an image depicting an arial view of crowded urban squall. (a city). It was presented in black and white, and reminded me of a scene from the movie where King Kong attacks Fay Wray. Another SM/social media friend of mine, let’s call him  – Stan, reported having a post denied because… Hecky darned if we can figure this one out. He was trying to make a connection with a potential business partner, but maybe A.I. thought he was trying to make some kind of TINDER connection. 😆

     It seems that A.I. may want us to take and attach our own photos to each individual post. These photos would of course become subject to addition to google’s own photo gallery, and presumably google will pay you a streaming fee, as a DIGITAL CREATOR. That is now your official designation on SM, whether you know it or not. My friend, Scot considers that to be too transactional and distasteful,  prefering not to be paid for the friendly excange of information.

Like it or not, you are an unpaid employee.

Sada Tay.