Consider This

If you look closely at your, mine and everyone’s profile, you will see a message, informing you that you are a digital creator and that your pages are or are not monetized. Facebook is monetizing your posts in the same way that the Dodgers collect money for havng butts in the stadium seats.

When WE read, react  and comment to YOUR posts, Facebook tallies  engagements in the same way that Arbitron and Nielsen collects and uses data to report to and charge their advertisers. for keeping YOUR butts in the seat. They boldly pat you on the back for being a digital creator.   and engaging us, a nd holding our attention on your posts and

Facebook tallies all of our engagements in the same way that Arbitron and Nielson uses viewing habits to keep  butts in the seat.

You are not just a DIGITAL CREATOR, you are an unpaid employee.