Entertanment 101

Before y’all start crying about body shaming, that is not what this is about…

This is from an entertainment perspective We recently saw pictures from a Janet Jackson concert. She sounded great, but there was some concern that she was not in tip top Rhythm Nation shape. Of course. None of us are, or will be when we reach 56 years old.

Still that is not the point of the story. My concern is her slovenly attire. Her ticket price, in LA starts at $200±. I’m gonna need to see her dressed in something better than a T-Shirt. Too often today’s youngns hit the stage in dress clothes. As an entertainer myself, I attest to the importance of “SHOW CLOTHES“, and demand it from anyone asking me for cash.

Charles Jackson – Alan Foster’s Redemption

I admit that I have not been on stage in over five years, but when I was performing as a teenager well into the ripe old age I am now (LOL), I always dressed in Show Clothes – at the very least, a well fitting suit, tie, or sports coat if I was slumming.

Reggie Crutcher – Lakeside

Coming from an entertainment dynasty, I know that Janet knows better. One of my collaborative home boys, who is still out there touring, pointed out that we are all subjected to the laws of gravity. To that I certainly agree BUT we do not have to succumb to it, especially in the presence of the fans.

Photo by Michelle Webster-Martin

Pattie LaBelle – age 78

Look at the difference in attire in these two, Janet and Pattie. Both consummate entertaining performers, but Janet is out of uniform.

All I’m saying is: “If it’s hanging, bind it and if its drooping, prop it up.”


As my homie put it, “You have to understand the assignment”. That is all.